Our Nursery is split into three rooms. Each room is committed to developing your child's learning & supports them in making a successful transition from room to room before we get them ready for big school.
This room runs from January - July. Children in this room have turned 2 between September & December. Raindrops operates on a Monday & Friday morning, 9:15-11:45. You can do one of these mornings, or both. We find this a quiet, homely little room, with no more than 10 children is the perfect start to Nursery life.
There are three Aunties in the room & we encourage the children to wear their slippers & to enjoy some time reading, playing, learning some Nursery rules & having fun. There are new toys each week, which revolve around the topics & we encourage the children to join in with crafts, singing , dancing, role play & small world play, supporting them all the way.
Often this room is the first experience children have of leaving Mummy or Daddy, so we try really hard to make it a lovely place to be. Children sit together to have a mid morning snack, where we provide a wide range of healthy foods & engage in small group activities across the session.
Each child is given a 'keyworker' who forms that
Often this room is the first experience children have of leaving Mummy or Daddy, so we try really hard to make it a lovely place to be. Children sit together to have a mid morning snack, where we provide a wide range of healthy foods & engage in small group activities across the session.
Each child is given a 'keyworker' who forms that special bond & tracks their progress. We use Tapestry to share with you all their lovely experiences.
Children start here the September after their 2nd birthday. We operate on one side of the main hall, with the double doors between rooms closed. It's a lovely light, spacious room where children can learn, develop their independence & start to form bonds with the Aunties & their peers.
We have between 4-5 Aunties in Rainbow Room every session, so we are always over staffed with only 12-14 children. This means your child gets the best experience, lots of one-to-one attention & most importantly, a quieter space to learn & grow. We enjoy group activities like singing, dancing & Dough Disco & we love outside play & make th
We have between 4-5 Aunties in Rainbow Room every session, so we are always over staffed with only 12-14 children. This means your child gets the best experience, lots of one-to-one attention & most importantly, a quieter space to learn & grow. We enjoy group activities like singing, dancing & Dough Disco & we love outside play & make the most of our small, but safe playground area.
Each child is given a 'keyworker' who forms that special bond & we use Tapestry to share those experiences with you.
We plan our activities around a topic each week & we tie them in with the children’s interests. We want to make sure your child is happy in a caring atmosphere & we have an open door policy – we are here for both you & your child & you’re more than welcome to speak to us about any element of Nursery life.
We have roughly 24 children per session, but they are split into two, one group staying in the main hall & the other going into our upstairs learning area. We plan our activities according to children’s interests & the EYFS. We make sure your child is happy & comfortable in the environment & we enjoy a relaxed & caring atmosphere. Our
We have roughly 24 children per session, but they are split into two, one group staying in the main hall & the other going into our upstairs learning area. We plan our activities according to children’s interests & the EYFS. We make sure your child is happy & comfortable in the environment & we enjoy a relaxed & caring atmosphere. Our main aim is to foster independence in all aspects of your child's development to ensure they are ready for the big move to school.
We have 5-6 Aunties in each session, again making us over ratio. Children come into Nursery, saying goodbye to parents at the top gate. This is just one of the first steps to school readiness. Children self-register, hang their own coats & bags up &
we have a large assortment of toys & activities rotated regularly which the children
We have 5-6 Aunties in each session, again making us over ratio. Children come into Nursery, saying goodbye to parents at the top gate. This is just one of the first steps to school readiness. Children self-register, hang their own coats & bags up &
we have a large assortment of toys & activities rotated regularly which the children are encouraged to choose. These cover different aspects of children’s learning with role play, physical, construction, small world toys & more. We have a creative table, Maths & Literacy areas where the children can sit individually to play with toys or perhaps, attempt a learning activity, which might involve, colour, number recognition, pencil control. These are chosen to match the child’s ability level.
Snack time is a great way to encourage independence. The children pour their own drinks if they wish & the line leader helps to cut up the snack. We encourage them to eat a variety of healthy snacks, as well as food from around the world & food that matches the sounds of the week. We will go on a trip each half term that corresponds wi
Snack time is a great way to encourage independence. The children pour their own drinks if they wish & the line leader helps to cut up the snack. We encourage them to eat a variety of healthy snacks, as well as food from around the world & food that matches the sounds of the week. We will go on a trip each half term that corresponds with our topic, like Easter Egg Hunts, Minibeast Hunts, trips to Tesco, a ride on the train, the Library, or our fabulous Christmas trip to town. Tapestry experiences are shared by your child's keyworker. We are here for your child in their big transition to school & we focus on getting them as school ready as we can, with PE weeks, hot dinner weeks & lots more!
Copyright © 2023 Christchurch Pre-School Nursery - All Rights Reserved.
Christchurch Pre-School Nursery Ltd.
Registered in England No: 9678117 Registered Office: 3 Warners Mill, Silks Way, Braintree, Essex, CM7 3GB.
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We still have some spaces available across the Nursery. We would love to hear from you if you're looking for a place for your 2 or 3 year old. Accepting the new Working Parents Funding. Click below to enquire!